Home Heating System Costs and Comparisons

Heating System Costs and Comparisons

Are you trying to decide what type of heating system you should install, or are you wondering where your current heating system ranks in efficiency?


Use the tools and resources below to view comparisons of heating systems, and statewide and nationwide fuel prices and energy costs.

Efficiency Maine Cost Comparison

The Efficiency Maine site features a calculator that helps you to compare home heating costs, from wood stoves to heat pumps, electric baseboards, oil boilers and more! You can also modify price and efficiency assumptions and view a current chart of cost comparisons.


State of Maine Current Fuel Prices

The State of Maine Governor's Energy Office keeps a list of the current fuel prices across the state. You can also view historic fuel price trends and a comparison of fuel prices.

National Fuel Prices and News

The Energy Information Association provides national news, fuel usage reports and pricing, current trends and future projections.

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Is your home efficient?

Use the Efficiency Maine "Home Energy Usage Calculator" to calculate your home’s energy efficiency based on the square footage of your home and the annual usage of your fuel type. Enter in the quantities for either Fuel Oil, Electricity, Natural Gas, Propane, Wood, Wood Pellets, or Kerosene.

All of our service levels include

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