Season Recap: 2023-2024 Budget Plan Review

Wondering what the benefits were this past season while on a Budget Plus Plan?

Monthly Payment Review

Paying monthly is a lot easier than paying as you receive deliveries. It allows you to make smaller monthly payments instead of paying all at once when you receive a delivery.

Here's a graph with an example of a customer in Old Orchard Beach who took advantage of our Budget Plus Plan this past year. They paid a steady $284 per month throughout the plan, instead of paying $700, $450, or $500 per delivery. You can also see the majority of their fuel costs happened in a short window between Oct-February , so it was beneficial for them to spread these costs out.

budget plan

Capped Price Protection Review

This graph shows a comparison of prices for a customer in Scarborough who had a capped price plan this past season. You can see the price they paid in blue, what our current price at the time of that delivery was in orange, and what Maine average prices were in green.

In summary, they never paid more than $3.399 per gallon, even when our regular price had reached $3.899 a gallon, and the Maine average was well over $4 per gallon.


Customer Feedback

Here's what some of our customers said about the Budget Plans this past season:

“Excited for another year of using your company!”

“This winter was much less stressful not worrying about oil.”

“I am very happy with the plans.”

“I highly recommend the budget plans. Instead of spending a lot of money in the winter months, this helps to spread out the cost throughout the year. It lessens the burden.”

Learn More

If you'd like to learn more about the Budget Plus Plan, or any of the other plans that we offer, click the button below. We have some great videos, FAQ's, and more! You can also contact our office to talk with a Program Specialist at 207-571-4231.